Free Websites for Astronomy Clubs

You can create a free one-page informational website that requires no webmastering skills.

Just follow these instructions.

  1. Add your listing to the Astronomy White Pages at

    1. Leave the URL field blank
    2. Be sure to include your e-mail
    3. Be sure to create a password
  2. Save your new information.

  3. Go back to The Astronomy White Pages.

  4. Click on the Updated Your Listing link.

  5. Click on your listing (look under your country and state, etc.)

  6. Enter your password

  7. Click on the Create a Site link next to the empty URL box.

  8. Fill in the boxes with some brief information about your club

    For example, you could type "Mailing Address" in place of "Type Title Here" and type your mailing address in place of "Type Text Here" in the following text box (be sure to put "<br>" at the end of lines if you want carriage returns).

    You can experiment with the formatting boxes but you can leave them alone.

  9. Your site will be visible to others in a day or so, after it is confirmed.