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The Astronomy White Pages

List Your Site

Please enter your club website information below. Your e-mail will only be used as necessary to administer this page. Please use an e-mail address that will always reach the proper club contact.

E-mail sent from shared servers will sometimes get through to AOL and Netscape users but more-often bounces without reason. If you use an AOL or Netscape e-mail address you may not be able to retrieve your password, etc.

Free website: If your club does not have a website, please leave the URL box blank. This will create a simple web page for your club. You will be directed to a simple form where you can enter your club's information.

If you would like to be able to list articles from your newsletter at AmSky magazine or help with the newsletter index, type your newsletter name in the newsletter box.

Club Name:
URL (i.e. www.jas.org):
Contact page URL:
Facebook URL:
Yahoo Group URL:
Minor geographic area (country, state, province or territory): -----
Major geographic area (continent or country): -----
Contact person:
Contact e-mail:
Number of Members:
Join mailing list: (The mailing list is rarely used.)
*Enter your newsletter name if you wish to participate in the newsletter index
and have your latest articles linked at AmSky Magazine